ANPPCAN Somalia Chapter is pleased to share the good news that the FGS cabinet has approved the child rights bill today, August 10, 2023; the Child Rights Bill demonstrates the commitment of the Federal Government to ensure the articles under the CRC are upheld. In this respect, we thank the federal government of Somalia for their commitment to ensuring the fulfillment of children’s rights and for those who have contributed their efforts be it the Somali civil society organizations as well as the international community who have played a key role in reaching this milestone today.
ANPPCANSOM believes that this historic legislation will lay the legal foundation for the promotion and protection of all child rights in Somalia.
This is a historical day for Somalia and African children which we have been pushing for the last 2years.
Thanks to Somali Federal Government, Civil Society including religious leaders, Child Rights Actors, International and UN agencies.
A special thanks to the minister of Women and Human Rights Development (MoWHRD) Hon. Khadijo Mohamed Diriye for her commitment and tireless efforts.