On a mission to continue improving and strengthening our efforts, the ANPPCAN-SOM, together with representatives from SUHAD and SYV, held a one-day joint review meeting of the PROSPER-SOCO project in Baidoa on 30th July 2024. Eighteen committed participants attended this one-day review to discuss progress, challenges, and planning in the future for the said project in Baidoa and Hudur districts.
Objectives of the Meeting
The main objectives of this joint review meeting were to:
Progress Review: Take stock of the progress made so far on the PROSPER-SOCO project.
Problem Solve: Outline problems encountered in the course of implementation and discuss them.
Prepare for the Future: Brainstorm effective ways of increasing impact of the project in both districts.
Expected Outputs and Outcomes
By the end of the meeting, the participants expected to have:
Improved the implementation of PROSPER-SOCO project activities in Baidoa and Hudur districts.
Produce detailed meeting reports, action plans, and minutes to guide future efforts.
The joint review meeting was an essential step towards this very goal of continued success and positive impact. We are committed to fostering peace, reconciliation, and social cohesion in the Southwest State of Somalia; the attesting efforts of collaboration are integral in this very realization of results.